OK I do like the Bee Gees, especially their sixties singles and LPs.
Tell me why there weren't any American issued picture sleeves for their

A little bit of this...a little bit of that. Mostly having to do with music, records, and anything I have an interest in. Comic books, too if I get around to that. My other blog KFXM Tiger Radio and K/MEN 129 in Dougs' Stuff Room is radio and radio related almost exclusive. Trying to spread out to other things here. Showing othr things in Doug's Stuff Room.
1 comment:
Come to think of it, I never did
see picture sleeves of the group
here in USA. Cheap Atlantic !!
I don't know.
Anyway, here here for another
fan of the Bee Gees.
Who else had a 3-career phase:
60's, early 70's and Disco Beegees.
Just when you thought they were
finished, they were reborn again...
and again.
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